
Acceptable Use Policy
Last edited 16/06/2024

To maintain a safe, secure, and efficient environment for all our users, we have established this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). By using our services, you agree to adhere to the terms outlined in this policy.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy is to outline acceptable and unacceptable behavior when using VerdisHost’s services. This policy ensures that our services are used in a legal, ethical, and responsible manner.

2. Prohibited Activities

The following activities are strictly prohibited when using VerdisHost’s services:

Illegal Activities

  • Engaging in any activities that violate local, state, national, or international laws.
  • Hosting, distributing, or linking to content that is illegal, such as pirated software, copyrighted material without permission, or child pornography.

Security Violations

  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to any system, network, or data.
  • Distributing malware, including viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, or other malicious code.
  • Engaging in activities that disrupt or degrade the normal operations of any network, system, or service.

Spam and Unsolicited Communications

  • Sending unsolicited bulk emails, commonly known as spam.
  • Hosting websites or services intended to promote or distribute spam.
  • Using our services to send any form of unsolicited commercial or non-commercial communication.

Harmful or Offensive Content

  • Hosting, displaying, or distributing content that is defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, or otherwise harmful.
  • Promoting violence, discrimination, or hate speech against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic.

Resource Abuse

  • Running scripts, applications, or processes that excessively consume server resources, affecting the performance of other users.
  • Engaging in activities such as cryptocurrency mining, which are resource-intensive and not aligned with typical website operations.
  • Using your hosting account primarily for backup or storage purposes unrelated to your website content.

Fraudulent Activities

  • Hosting or promoting phishing websites, fake news, scams, or any other form of fraudulent content.
  • Using our services to impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity.

3. Monitoring and Enforcement

  • Monitoring: VerdisHost reserves the right to monitor network traffic and server usage to ensure compliance with this AUP.
  • Enforcement: In cases of violation, VerdisHost may take corrective actions, including:
    • Issuing warnings or notices to the offending user.
    • Suspending or terminating the user’s account or access to services.
    • Reporting illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.

4. Responsibility

  • Customer Responsibility: Customers are responsible for ensuring that their use of VerdisHost’s services complies with this AUP. This includes any content hosted, transmitted, or received through their account.
  • Third-Party Users: Customers must ensure that any third-party users, such as website visitors or email recipients, also comply with this AUP.

5. Policy Changes

VerdisHost reserves the right to modify this Acceptable Use Policy at any time. We will notify customers of significant changes via email or through our website.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Acceptable Use Policy or need assistance, please contact our support team at

By using VerdisHost’s services, you agree to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us provide a secure and reliable hosting environment for all our customers.